Public Health Outreach
We respond to the most important public health issues in the locations with the greatest need.
We helped…
26,000 New Yorkers
from 2022 to 2023
Where you’ll find us
What we’re doing
Outside of Neighborhood Food Markets & Pharmacies
In Community Centers & Libraries
On Street Corners in Neighborhoods with High Needs
Handing out flyers about where and why to get vaccinated
Screening for High Blood Pressure
Speaking about the DASH Diet and other medical diets
Setting up an appointment for a new patient at a local clinic
Giving directions to a nearby food pantry
Setting up an appointment for a community member with a housing resource specialist
Answering questions about diabetes self-management
We Increase
Understanding and treatment of diseases
Vaccine access and equity (COVID-19 and Flu)
Understanding of treatment of COVID-19
Access to healthy food
Access to safe and affordable housing
How we help
Stepping up in a time of need
In 2022-23, we served 26,000 people through our COVID vaccine outreach. Since that time, we have made increasing vaccinations among New Yorkers a central priority of our Public Health work.
Dr. Farri Says…
“The flu vaccine significantly decreases your chances of complications if you do become infected, of particular importance if you or your loved ones are also dealing with asthma, COPD or other chronic diseases.”
Dr. Shade Farri, MD, MPH | AIRnyc Chief Medical Officer