Community health wherever you are.
Your trusted community partner in navigating the complex healthcare and social services system of the greater New York metro area.
Holistic support from our community-based team.
AIRnyc is a reliable partner in navigating the complex healthcare and social services system of the greater New York metro area. We build trust with individuals, connecting them to the resources and solutions they need. Through this we empower people to be proactive in their healthcare and advocate for themselves to live a healthier life.
It starts at home.
Over the past 20 years, AIRnyc Community Health Workers have provided solutions and services to individuals in their homes and virtually. These home-based and virtual offerings have proven to be incredibly effective in improving care and connection for participants who suffer from chronic illness. And we also know that interventions in the home and community setting, especially with the strategic use of technology, have a strong evidence-base across numerous chronic conditions.
Rooted in experience, skills, and community.
Our team of Community Health Workers are of the community and by the community. Our team knows the languages, cultures, and communities of the families we serve. Our emphasis on professional development makes good on our commitment to not only providing our patients with the best care, but also giving our team the skills and training to advance their careers. They are committed, with most staying with us for five, ten, even fifteen years.
AIRnyc Community Health Workers are both natural helpers and effective sources of information and motivation for people managing chronic conditions. For AIRnyc, this means hiring people who can empathize with families while providing health education & facilitating connections to care.
There through it all.
AIRnyc makes the most difference for families with the greatest needs. Our holistic, multi-generational approach to support and inspire self-directed care at the household level embraces diverse needs. In a household struggling with food insecurity and a lack of employment, a caregiver who is herself pre-diabetic is also the lifeline for an elderly parent with diabetes and a child with asthma. AIRnyc is there to help and sustain that support over time.